Help CenterAssessments - RecruitersTest Management

How to Add Candidates to the Assessments on Candidates Page

Codejudge simplifies the process of inviting candidates to assessments and interviews. By providing their names and emails, recruiters can seamlessly add candidates to these crucial stages of the hiring process.

Follow these steps to add candidates to assessments from candidates page:

Step 1: Login to the Codejudge recruiter account and navigate to the "Candidates" section. Here, you can see all the assessments and interviews taken by the candidates in the overview page with Name, Test/Interview Name, Functionality, Quality, Time Taken, Status, and Actions fields.

Step 2: Recruiter can add candidates to the existing assessments or interviews directly by clicking on the Add Candidate button.

Step 3: On clicking the Add Candidate button, it will display a pop-up which allows you to enter Candidate’s Name, Candidate’s Email and Test Name where it shows all available active tests. By entering all the details, click on the Add to Test button.