Help CenterAssessments - RecruitersTest Management

Exporting Candidates in Bulk Along with Applying Filter, Across Tests/Contests

Codejudge's Candidate Dashboard is a centralized platform that empowers candidates to manage their assessments and interviews effectively. It offers a clear overview of their performance, including functionality scores, code quality, and time taken, making the hiring process more transparent and accessible.

Follow these steps to export candidates reports in bulk:

Step 1:  Login to the Codejudge recruiter account and navigate to the "Candidates" section. Here, you can see all the assessments and interviews taken by the candidates in the overview page with Name, Test/Interview Name, Functionality, Quality, Time Taken, Status, and Actions fields.

Step 2: Recruiter can view candidates assessment and interview details by clicking on the toggle button shown on top of the dashboard page.

Step 3: Recruiters can export assessment and interview reports for all candidates from the top-right corner of the dashboard. Codejudge permits the retrieval of up to 1000 reports at a time.

Step 4: Codejudge provides filters to export candidate reports by giving Offset and Limit values and click on Export with applied filter to download the report:

Offset: It indicates the starting value of the reports to export.

Limit:  It indicates the ending value of the reports to export.

Step 5: Recruiter can also export all the reports directly at-a-time without any filters by clicking on the Export All button.