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Creating Email Templates for Tests and Interviews

As a recruiter or hiring manager, efficient communication with candidates during the assessment and interview process is crucial for a positive candidate experience. provides a convenient feature that allows you to create Email Templates for tests and interviews, enabling you to deliver consistent and personalized messages to candidates.

This article will guide you through the steps to create and utilize Email Templates on Codejudge.

Creating Email Templates for Tests

Step 1: Visit the Codejudge website and log in using your company account credentials.

Step 2:  After clicking on “Test”, click on the “Configure Email” icon. Then you will be forwarded to the Test Invite Email Template page.

Step 3: Compose a professional email for candidates with test details: title, date, time, and instructions. Then click on “Create New Template” and give name and save to proceed further.

Step 4: Your saved templates will appear here. If needed, you can edit or delete existing email templates. This allows you to keep your templates up to date and relevant.

Step 5: You can customize the email subject and body by clicking on the respective ‘+ Add Parameters’ button.

Note: Here are all the parameters you can add for email subject & body - Support Name, Candidate Name, Company Name, Support Email, Test Duration, Test Expiry Time, Test Link, Test Name, Test Start Time, Start Window Expires, Display Start Time.

Creating Email Templates for Interviews

Step 1: Visit the Codejudge website and log in using your company account credentials. Head to Interviews tab and then click on the “Create New Interview” button.

Step 2: Then give your interview title and interview description. Then click on the “Details” button.

Step 3: After adding questions (It’s optional), head to Details, fill in all the details and click on the “Interview Email Template” button.

Step 4: Compose an email for candidates with test details: title, date, time, and instructions. Mention specific info like name and test link. You have options to “Create New Template”, “Add To My Templates”, “Add To Interview” and “Cancel”.

Step 5: You can customize the email subject and body by clicking on the respective ‘+ Add Parameters’ button.

NOTE: You can also create Email Templates after creating the Test and Interview.

Creating email templates for tests and interviews on Codejudge simplifies the communication process with candidates and enhances their overall experience. 

By following the step-by-step guide in this article, recruiters can efficiently compose personalized emails for various interview stages, saving time and effort in the recruitment process.