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Timed Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Tests: All You Need to Know

A Timed MCQ test is designed to assess candidates' understanding of specific topics or concepts through a series of multiple-choice questions. Candidates are required to select the correct answer from the given options within a predetermined time limit. This type of test measures not only candidates' knowledge but also their ability to quickly analyse and respond to questions.

Step 1: Log in to the Codejudge recruiter page. Navigate to the "Tests" section and select the test you want to edit or create a new one. Click on the "Edit Test" option to begin.

Step 2: Then when you come to the question page. Click on “MCQ”. Then in the section part you have to put the title and change the duration as needed.And click on “Update”.

Timed MCQ tests on Codejudge offer a structured and time-bound assessment method to evaluate candidates' knowledge and problem-solving skills. By following the steps outlined in this article, recruiters can create, customise, and manage Timed MCQ tests efficiently.