Help CenterAssessments - RecruitersTest Configurations

Configuring Candidate Tests: When Invite Is Sent

Codejudge is a cutting-edge platform that empowers recruiters to seamlessly manage candidate assessments and technical evaluations. One key feature is the ability to configure candidate tests through the use of invitations sent to potential candidates. 

Candidate Test Configuration through Invite Sent

When you send an invitation to a candidate for an assessment on Codejudge, you have the opportunity to configure the test according to your specific needs. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Once you log in to the Codejudge recruiter page, navigate to Tests.  Here, the dashboard showcases all created tests alongside their respective statuses, simplifying test oversight.

Step 2: Once a test is published, candidates can attempt within the allocated time. When the candidate status is “invite sent” then click on “action”.Their test journey – from invite sent is showcased here.

Step 3: On clicking the "Actions" button, recruiters have many options out of which he/she can select as needed. This feature-rich control empowers recruiters to manage assessments effectively.

Step 4: “Archive” action is used to hide the candidate from the dashboard.It can be displayed in the “Achieved” section. “Cancel invite” action is used to cancel the test invite. 

Step 5: “Copy Test Invite link” action is used to copy the test link. Recruiter can Resend the test to the candidate.

Step 6: When you click on “Resend test” you have the option to choose either create new test or add to existing test. Once you configure then resend the test to the candidate.

Step 7: “Hide Application logs”  and “Hide Exception Message” are used to  hide application logs and hide the exception messages to the candidate.

Configuring candidate tests through invitations on Codejudge offers recruiters the flexibility to design assessments that accurately reflect the skills and attributes required for the role. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can optimise the test configuration to match your specific hiring needs, enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of the assessment process.