Help CenterAssessments - RecruitersProfile creation & Setting up company account

Setting Up Your Company Account: Customizing Assessment Settings

Codejudge offers powerful assessment settings that enable companies to conduct technical evaluations seamlessly and efficiently. 

Configuring your company account's assessment settings ensures you can create and manage tests tailored to your organisation's unique hiring requirements. 

Step 1: Visit the Codejudge website and log in using your company account credentials.

Step 2: On the dashboard, click on the “profile” icon in the upper right corner. Then click on the ”Settings” button.

Step 3: Then click on”Assessment Settings”. Then set the test settings and invite settings. Codejudge provides you with an option to choose whom you want to send the cc mails and choose time as preferred.Then click on”update”. 

You may also choose reporting frequency and times.

Customizing Assessment Settings on Codejudge empowers recruiters to create a tailored evaluation process for technical assessments. 

By following the step-by-step guide in this article, you can fine-tune settings related to assessment settings.