The Judgepad Overview page on Codejudge offers a powerful vantage point for managing interviews and evaluating candidates. In this guide, delve into the array of recruiter actions and insights available on this page, empowering recruiters to make informed decisions, streamline the interview process, and select top talent effectively.
To know the recruiter actions on judgepad overview page, follow these steps:
Step 1: Login to the Codejudge recruiter account and navigate to the "Interviews" section. Here, you can see all the scheduled interviews in the overview page with Name, Interview Name, Rating, Starting time, Interview Status, Candidate Status and Actions fields.
Step 2: Recruiters can perform various actions like Cloning, Rescheduling, Cancelling, Deleting the interview by clicking on Actions button.
Step 3: Recruiters can directly join the interview by Copying the Public Link or Interview Link or by clicking on the Go to Interview button. And you can change the interview time by clicking on the Reschedule button.
Fresh enhancement while re-scheduling: Explore the flexibility of Codejudge interview platform with the ability to effortlessly add or remove interviewers even after an interview has been published, but not started.
Follow these steps to add or remove the interviewers:
Step 4: Once you log in to the Codejudge recruiter page, navigate to the Interviews section. Click on the Actions button for any published interview that's not yet started and select Re-schedule button.
Step 5: On clicking, it will display the edit interview page and navigate to the Details section where you can add or remove the interviewers just by clicking on the names.
The capability to add or remove interviewers after publishing interviews adds a layer of adaptability to the hiring process.
Step 6: On clicking the Clone button, recruiters can modify the interview details like adding new candidates, timings, proctoring settings etc. And click on Save and Send Invite button to send the interview mail to the candidates.
Step 7: Recruiter can Cancel the interview or Delete the interview by clicking on respective buttons, it cannot be reversed back.